In 2014 I suggested to my wife that I create some artwork for the house. My wife is a massive fan of owls and we're both literary buffs so I combined the two and created the concept of 'The Greater Spotted' - classic authors laid out like a comic ornithology poster.
I loved creating these and the restrictions I put upon myself to caricature the figures. I could use the eyes for facial features but the beak had to feel like the nose and mouth combined. It was tricky but satisfying. I chose authors the whole family loved and created a poster for the house. After uploading these to social media I was inundated with requests for a print run. Which I've done several times now.

Greater-spotted Children's Authors
I had such fun creating the first poster that I decided to create a Children's version for my son's room. This proved just as popular and many copies of this poster were sold.

The Beatowls
A crack at the Fab Four.

Greater-spotted British Scientists
The cleverest boffins Britain has produced.

Greater-spotted Geordies
Owlising the faces that made Tyneside famous.

Greater-spotted Hebburnites
The Geordies poster came to the attention of Jason Cook, the creator of Hebburn, who gave me his blessing to owlise the characters of the BBC2 Sitcom

Please get in touch to discuss your next project.