This was a unique collaboration between Newcastle University, Newcastle Castle and myself. Newcastle University approached me to assist in a live brief for their Heritage Studies MA students. The task was to research and realise an historic character to be added to Newcastle Castle's existing roster of illustrated historic figures with connections to the castle.
The first task was to brief the students on the requirements I needed to illustrate a new character, including clothing, accessories, hair colour, and 3 poses that best illustrate the character.

Jane Martin
The figure selected to be researched was a Northumbrian miller's wife called Jane Martin, who lived in the 1600s and was tried for witchcraft and subsequently hanged. Newcastle Castle served as her prison for a time before her execution. The MA students did a fantastic job researching Jane and presented thorough visual research to aid me in recreating her.

The finalised illustrations were launched at the Black Gate in Newcastle and were extremely well received by the students and the Newcastle Castle education and marketing teams.

Not only will the illustrations be used by the castle in their educational materials, but a costume based on the designs was lovingly recreated to be used in live reenactments.